DveingCatJust Dive In!  You can join our Human Race Team--The Human Race is a nationwide community fundraising event for nonprofit organizations and the one in 2020 will be held on May 2nd in Santa Rosa.  This fundraiser race is the largest collaborative fundraising event in Sonoma County as well as the largest Human Race in the nation! The Sonoma County Race features a 3K and 10K run and/or walk through Howarth and Spring Lake Parks, rain or shine--families (and their dogs) walk, and many kids and adults wear great costumes! Some of the best are caterpillar costumes with multiple walkers wearing a caterpillar outfit!

Organizations like ours recruit walkers/runners/donation-gatherers to raise funds.  The run and walk is open to all. The Human Race is a proven fundraiser that has been successful for Sonoma County nonprofits for 35 years and continues to grow. Last year, the NCRC&DC had our best year ever--all to support our programs where simple changes make for big impact in climate change, water conservation, pollinator habitat protection, composting waste instead of landfilling, and more.

You can join our team!!  If you want to talk to someone about being on our walking team, call Oona at 978-4149, or email us at ncrcandd@sonic.net.

It's FUN, it's for EVERYONE, and it helps us HELP our community!!